Thursday, May 8

going local...

We decided to sign up for the Huasna Valley Farm CSA (community supported agriculture) this year and LOVE it. we pick up a cooler of fresh, organic, locally grown vege's and eggs every week with some inspiration on cooking ideas (couldn't we all use a little of that). This week- dill, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, so so sweet carrots, bok choy, garlic, butter leaf lettuce, spinach, and 2 dozen eggs. I truly can't believe how much better the food tastes, especially the eggs. I guess what we put in our soil is actually important.

Dinner included salmon with dill and stir fry with all the greens. Scrumptious.

I'm hoping rex and i can get our tomatoes in the ground soon. nothing like a garden fresh tomato in the summer- with a little avocado, basil and olive oil. can't wait.


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